梅建平博士先后获得美国普林斯顿大学经济学硕士和博士学位。金沙集团1862cc金融学教授。曾任纽约大学金融学副教授、芝加哥大学访问副教授并任职于普林斯顿大学。梅建平教授曾担任Journal of Real Estate Finance & Economics、Real Estate Finance编辑。
作为梅摩艺术品指数的联合创建者之一,有关该指数的报道广泛见诸于世界主流财经媒体报端,如《经济学家》、《福布斯》、《时代》、《金融时报》、《华尔 街日报》、《商业周刊》等;这一反映西方绘画作品市场走势的指数,曾被摩根斯坦利定为世界十大资产指数之一,包括摩根·斯坦利、美 林、UBS、花旗银行、德意志银行等金融机构也引用该指数。2016年,苏富比收购梅摩艺术品指数并将其更名为苏富比梅摩指数。
● 国际金融
● 金融历史
● 房地产金融
● 资产定价
作为梅/摩西艺术品指数的联合创建者之一,有关该指数的报道已见诸于世界主流财经媒体报端。如《经济学家》、《福布斯》、《时代》、《金融时报》、《华尔 街日报》、《商业周刊》等;此外,这一反映西方绘画作品市场走势的指数,目前已被著名投资银行摩根斯坦利定为世界十大资产指数之一,包括摩根·斯坦利、美 林、UBS、花旗银行、德意志银行等金融机构也引用该指数。
1. "Residual Variance and Asset Pricing in the Art Market" (with M. Moses and Y. Zhou), Journal of Cultural Economics, Forthcoming.
2. "Ordering, Revenue and Anchoring in Art Auctions", with H. Hong, M. Moses, J.Kubic, and I. Kremer, Rand Journal of Economics, Vol. 46, No. 1, Spring 2015.
3. "Behavior Based Manipulation", with Chunsheng Zhou, Journal of Financial Research, 2012, Winner of 2012 Best Paper Award.
4. "Turning over Turnover", with Cremers, M., Review of Financial Studies, vol. 20(6), 2007.
5. "Idiosyncratic risk and creative destruction in Japan", with Y. Hamao & Y. Xu, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 2007, 4.
6. "Large Investors, Price Manipulation, and Market Breakdown - An Anatomy of Market Corners", with Allen, F. and Litov, L., Review of Finance, vol. 10, 2006.
7. "Market Manipulation: A Comprehensive Study of Stock Pools", with Jiang, G. & Mahoney, P., Journal of Financial Economics, vol. 77, 2005.
8. "Vested Interests and Biased Price Estimates: Evidence from an Auction Market", with Moses, M., Journal of Finance, vol. 60, 2005.
9. "Art as Investment and the Underperformance of Masterpieces: Evidence From 1875-2000", with Moses, M., American Economic Review, December 2002.
10. "Living with the Enemy: an Analysis of Japanese Experience with Foreign Investment", (with Y. Hamao), Journal of International Money and Finance, 2001, 715-735.
11. "What Makes the Stock Market Jump?---An Analysis of Political Risk on the Hong Kong Stock Returns", (with H. Kim), Journal of International Money and Finance, 2001, 1003-1016.
12. "Have U.S. Financial Institutions' Real Estate Investments Exhibited 'Trend-Chasing' Behavior?", with Saunders, A., Review of Economics and Statistics, vol. 79, 1997.
13. "Measuring International Economic Linkage with Stock Market Data", with Ammer, J., Journal of Finance, vol. 51, 1996.
14. "Explaining the Cross-section of Returns under a Multi-Factor Model", Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, vol. 28, 1993.
15. "A Semi-autoregression Approach to the Arbitrage Pricing Theory", Journal of Finance, vol. 48, 1993.
16. "Where Do Betas Come From? Asset Pricing Dynamics and the Sources of Systematic Risk", with Campbell, J., Review of Financial Studies, vol. 6, 1993.
Working Papers
Books and Monographs