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Raymond C.W. LEUNG





梁子葦博士现为金沙集团1862cc金融学助理​教授。 他于2016年获得加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校哈斯商学院金融博士学位






  • Financial Management Association 2017 Annual Meeting, semi-nalist for best paper award in the "Investments" category
  • Western Finance Association, "2015 Cubist Systematic Strategies Ph.D. Candidate Award for Outstanding Research"
  • UC Berkeley, Haas School of Business, "The Carl F. Cheit Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor (Teaching Assistant) Award" for the Master of Financial Engineering program of 2014-2015
  • UC Berkeley, Haas School of Business, Department Scholarship, 2010 - 2014
  • UC Berkeley, Haas School of Business, White Research Fellowship, Fall 2013


Working Papers

  1. Asset Insurance Premium in the Cross-Section of Asset Synchronicity, March 2019
  2. A New Theory of Information Acquisition and Recovery: Intrinsic Geometry Approach with Asset Pricing Applications, June 2018
  3. Predicting new stocks' future returns by portfolio mimicking error: An approach to identify innovative stocks (with Yu-Man Tam and Zigan Wang), November 2017
  4. Continuous-Time Principal-Agent Problem with Drift and Stochastic Volatility Control, September 2017
  5. Dynamic Contracts and the Sharpe Ratio: Theory and Evidence, June 2017
  6. Financial Intermediation and the Market Sharpe ratio: Theory and Evidence, November 2016
  7. Centralized versus Decentralized Delegated Portfolio Management under Moral Hazard, November 2015
  8. Dynamic Agency, Delegated Portfolio Management and Asset Pricing, October 2014
  9. Continuous-Time Principal-Agent Problem with Drift and Stochastic Volatility Control, with Applications to Corporate Finance and Delegated Portfolio Management, September 2014
  10. Asset Prices Jump-Spillover Estimation and Inference, December 2013 [Paper available upon request]